Gotta love Peter Navarro. But, Mr. Navarro says he is not on any long or short list. Gave his choice as Sean Duffy. Respectfully don't agree---limited experience. Don't think the Duffy's would want to put their young kids through the harsh scrutiny of the media & the any means justifies the end of the Dems who have no bottom. IMO, Duffy not good Prez material for 2028.

My VP choice would be Doug Bergum. Very successful in tech business. Governor & Senator. Very Intelligent. Loves America & Democracy. Knows gov't policy & how DC works. Dedicated to MAGA. Likes Trump & gets along with him. Whenever I see or hear Gov. Bergum, I sense an unflappable almost Lincoln like quality about him. Great Prez candidate for 2028. Not seeing that much in others.

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What can I add? I agree! This article outlines all reasons President Trump NOT look at the people being promoted by the deep state.


Approaching the VP selection is not only important for the creation of a synchronized team but also as a life insurance policy. If Peter Navarro will be second in the succession line they will think twice before harming President Trump. Not so much some of the other options who were former “Never Trumpers.”

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